Medicare Advantage Plans for Contra Costa County for 2024
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Medicare Advantage (MAPD) plans are private insurance plans approved and subsidized by Medicare. They offer equivalent benefits to Medicare and are an alternative way of receiving Medicare coverage. You must have both Parts A and B of Medicare to join a Medicare Advantage plan and pay the same premiums, and any applicable income related surcharges and late enrollment penalties as those on Original Medicare.
Most Medicare Advantage plans in Contra Costa County are HMO’s. For HMO plans, you must use the plan’s network providers and get referrals from your primary care physician for specialists. Generally any specialists must be part of the same physician’s group (IPA) as your primary care physician. Joining a Medicare Advantage plan means you may not use your Medicare card outside the plan. All Contra Costa County HMO’s include Part D prescription drug coverage.
For 2024 we have two PPO type plans. These plans are similar to HMO plans, but they allow you to use providers that are “out of network”, usually for an added cost.
Unless you are in your initial Medicare enrollment period or a special enrollment period, you can only join or leave a plan at certain times. Open enrollment occurs each year between October 15th and December 7th.
Specialized Medicare Advantage Plans
The Medicare Advantage Plans shown on this page are considered “general” plans, appropriate for most people. However, there are specialized Medicare Advantage Plans available for those who meet specific criteria. The information for those plans are can be found on different pages.
Plans for people with Medicare and Full Scope Medi-Cal (full Duals)
Plans for people with specific chronic condition.
Premium Reduction Plans for those covered under non-Medicare insurance such as VA
2024 Medicare Advantage Plans
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