Annual Enrollment Community Talks

Medicare Changes for 2024: What You Need to Know

Medicare Annual Enrollment Period is October 15th through December 7th

Annual Enrollment Talks – Changes for 2024

The following presentations (see chart below) will review the basics of Medicare and also discuss what’s changing with Medicare plans for next year. Detailed information will be presented about the specific Medicare Advantage plans and prescription drug plans available in Contra Costa County.

Most presentations are in-person, but one will be held virtually (online) using ZOOM Video Conferencing.

For the virtual ZOOM presentation, you will receive a link by email. You need a computer, tablet, or smart phone to view the presentation. You do not need a camera or microphone. You will be able to type questions using the “CHAT” feature in ZOOM.  See the chart, below, for registration information.

Registration is required. See registration information on the chart, below.

Pre-recorded Annual Enrollment Talk

We offer a pre-recorded Annual Enrollment Talk, which was recorded by RossmoorTV. You can watch this video at any time. It is approximately 58 minutes long.

Handouts and other information

If you attend one of the in-person talks, you will receive copies of all the documents for 2024 including charts of Medicare Advantage plans, Drug Plans, and other pertinent information. This information is also available for download.

symbol representing download document
Handouts for Talks (for download or printing)


ZOOM Instructions

If you are unfamiliar with ZOOM, here are links to instructions for participants. ZOOM has created these instructions. A teacher in Michigan created these instructions for students, and they are available in several languages. Download the PDF to see the instructions.

Schedule for Community Talks

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