Medigap Plans

MediGap over 65

Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Policies

Check with plan providers for current premiums

Jump down to Medigap information for ages 65 and older.
Jump down to Medigap information for ages under 65.

Medigap (Supplement) policies are private insurance policies designed to pay the portion of covered medical costs that Medicare does not pay—that is, the deductibles and coinsurance for Parts A and B of Original Medicare. Medicare pays its share of the Medicare-approved amount, then your Medigap policy pays its share.

  • Different Medigap plans are offered, designated by letters (A-N), but all plans with the same letter designation offer the same coverage. Some plans will pay all the co-pays and co-insurance.
    • Click here for a comparison chart of Medigap plans.
  • You must have both Medicare Parts A and B to purchase a Medigap plan.
  • Medigap policies will not pay for medical costs that are not covered by Medicare, although some policies add limited foreign emergency travel coverage and all offer extra days in the hospital.
  • Medigap policies do not include prescription drug coverage, so members should also enroll in a Stand-Alone Prescription Drug Plan (PDP).  Click here for more information about Stand-Alone Prescription Drug Plans.
  • Note: All physicians, physician groups, labs, and hospitals that accept Medicare patients also accept all Medigap policies. With a Medigap policy you use both your Medicare card and your Medigap card. There are no networks, and prior approval is not required, as long as the provider accepts Medicare. Any provider has the right to not accept Medicare patients.

Medigap Innovative F and G Plans

A new type of Medigap plan became available in 2017. These plans, called Medigap Innovative or Extra F and G Plans, are offered by a small number of insurers. As of May, 2024, two innovative plans are available in California:  Healthnet’s Medigap Innovative G and Blue Shield’s Medigap G Extra. Contact the plan for details. HICAP does not have information on innovative plans.

Use Plan Finder Tool to find a Medigap Plan

The website provides an interactive tool for finding all Medicare supplement plans. When searching for a Medigap plan, pricing is one of the primary considerations. Instructions for using Plan Finder tool are included in the document below.

There are separate Medigap policies for those 65 and older and those who are under 65 and are eligible to purchase a Medigap policy due to disability. Following is the information for those 65 or older.

Medigap Plans for Age 65 and Older

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Medigap Plans for Under 65 and on Medicare due to disability

There are separate Medigap policies for those 65 and older and those who are under 65 and are eligible to purchase a Medigap policy due to disability. Although Medigap policies are available to individuals on Medicare who are under 65, fewer policies are offered, and the premiums are higher than for persons over 65. Further, for someone under 65 the right to purchase a Medigap ends after the first six months of eligibility for Medicare. After that you may not be able to get one. However, at 65 you will have a new open enrollment period and can purchase any Medigap plan, with lower rates. Those with ESRD are not able to purchase a Medigap plan if they are under age 65.

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